Saturday, June 29, 2013

New Website for Responsible ARTistry Magazine

Exciting News:::::::::
We have Launched a Brand New Website
for (R.A.m.) Responsible ARTistry Magazine.

The Responsible ARTistry Magazine is a bi-monthly digital interactive magazine committed to inspire, uplift, encourage, entertain and empower internationally. Our mission is to spotlight artistic individuals and organizations that use their talents, crafts and influence to better our communities which in turn inspires our world. Every issue published will celebrate the art, acts, gestures and accomplishments of creative souls from around the globe, honoring old and new traditions and spotlighting ways to enhance the reader's everyday life organically and finding new ways to be more eco-friendly.

The information that we publish will help to enhance and empower our R.A.m. readers, therefore enriching their lives and benefiting the communities in which they live. We believe in Giving the Gift of ARTistic Knowledge! We are here to bring you those artistic jewels organically, that are sure to bring you and your family much joy and empowerment. Be Responsibly ARTistic and Share this publication with your network.

To Visit Responsible ARTistry Magazine Website 
please click on photo below. 

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