Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Music by Mahoganee "Grandma's Listenin" (Against bullying video subject matter)

This is a collaborative project teaser "Grandma's Listenin" written by Mahoganee produced by Beat Huztlerz Productionz and visualized by Ron Bryant of Cut-n-Edge Cartoons.

The subject matter touches on the growing issue of bullying and what our young people go through. They need to know that we are there for them. Grandma or GG has always been the matriarch of our families and she is always there to give us love, guidance, assurance and a feeling of home. In the video, Lenita is being bullied at school and GG of course senses that something is going on. Enjoy, share but most importantly be aware of the signs that a child may be giving to you about being bullied or some other issue and be an advocate for them, for the children.