Thursday, December 19, 2013

Responsible ARTistry Business Recognition

Responsible Artistry Magazine has been selected for the 2013 Best of Saint Helena Island Awards for Media. The Saint Helena Island Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Saint Helena Island area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.Each year, the Saint Helena Island Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the
Saint Helena Island area a great place to live, work and play.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Essence Magazine Launches Filmmaking Contest to Improve Portrayal of Black Women

Essence Magazine Filmmaking Contest. (Courtesy Image)

For six years, ESSENCE has honored Hollywood's top Black image-makers, including actresses, directors, writers and producers.

This year, we're excited to discover a fresh new voice to welcome into our Black Women in Hollywood family. That's why we're launching a short film contest seeking visions of Black women that are multidimensional, ones that are different from the stereotypical and often negative images that respondents in a recent, ground-breaking ESSENCE study told us don't truly reflect the totality of who they are.

Filmmaker Challenge: Write and direct an original short film, no more than 20 minutes long, that presents an image of a Black woman in a unique, refreshing way.

Video Specs: 3GB Max. File Size; File Types: .mp4 or .webm

Deadline for submissions: December 5, 2013


One winner, selected by a panel of ESSENCE editors and industry tastemakers, will be honored in the company of A-listers at our 7th annual Black Women in Hollywood luncheon on February 27, 2014. Past honorees at this elite, Oscar-week event have included Oprah Winfrey, Halle Berry, Shonda Rhimes, Viola Davis, Suzanne de Passe, Kerry Washington, Cicely Tyson and more. The winning film will also be featured on, with a portion played at the Black Women in Hollywood luncheon.

For More Details Visit the Official Site

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lyrical Food For Mind Consumption from the AMA's


Macklemore and Ryan Lewis picked up two prizes at the American Music Awards last night, for Favorite Artist and Favorite Album in the Rap/Hip-Hop categories. And while Stevie Wonder has pledged to stop performing in Florida and other Stand Your Ground states, the two men were in Florida yesterday, and decided to use the confluence of geography and a platform to make a different kind of statement about the same issue.

“Due to the fact that we are in Florida tonight accepting this award I want to acknowledge Trayvon Martin and the hundreds and hundreds of kids each year that are dying due to racial profiling and the violence that follows it,” Macklemore said in the duo’s video acceptance speech. “This is really happening. These are our friends, our neighbors, our peers and our fans, and it’s time that we look out for the youth and fight against racism and the laws that protect it.” 

The statement was both a good use of the televised broadcast, and a reminder of one of the issues that’s dogged Macklemore during his rise.

Peep the Lyrics:
ARTist: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis f/Evan Roman
Track: A Wake (The Heist)

Now every month there is a new Rodney on Youtube
It’s just something our generation is used to
And neighborhoods where you never see a news crew
Unless they’re gentrifying, white people don’t even cruise through
And my subconscious telling me stop it
This is an issue that you shouldn’t get involved in
Don’t even tweet “R.I.P Trayvon Martin”
Don’t wanna be that white dude, million-man marching
Fighting for a freedom that my people stole
Don’t wanna make all my white fans uncomfortable
“But you don’t even have a fuckin’ song for radio
Why you out here talking race, trying to save the fucking globe?”
Don’t get involved if the cause isn’t mine
White privilege, white guilt, at the same damn time
So we just party like it’s 1999
Celebrate the ignorance while these kids keep dying

Full ARTicle Here

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Respect To Sinead O'Conner for Open Letter to Miley Cyrus

As ARTists we are here to InSpire right? We are here to share our gifts and talents, but what happens when we lose sight of who we are inspiring and influencing? We may or may not chose to take ownership of the responsibility that comes with the notoriety, fame and recognition but we all know it's there. So we have so much respect for Sinead O'Conner for taking the time to pen Miley Cyrus an open-letter in response to Cyrus's recent Rolling Stone interview. Read full letter below.
Sinead O'Conner

Dear Miley,

I wasn’t going to write this letter, but today i’ve been dodging phone calls from various newspapers who wished me to remark upon your having said in Rolling Stone your “Wrecking Ball” video was designed to be similar to the one for “Nothing Compares” … So this is what I need to say … And it is said in the spirit of motherliness and with love.

I am extremely concerned for you that those around you have led you to believe, or encouraged you in your own belief, that it is in any way “cool” to be naked and licking sledgehammers in your videos. It is in fact the case that you will obscure your talent by allowing yourself to be pimped, whether it’s the music business or yourself doing the pimping.

Nothing but harm will come in the long run, from allowing yourself to be exploited, and it is absolutely NOT in ANY way an empowerment of yourself or any other young women, for you to send across the message that you are to be valued (even by you) more for your sexual appeal than your obvious talent.

I am happy to hear I am somewhat of a role model for you and I hope that because of that you will pay close attention to what I am telling you.

The music business doesn’t give a sh– about you, or any of us. They will prostitute you for all you are worth, and cleverly make you think its what YOU wanted.. and when you end up in rehab as a result of being prostituted, “they” will be sunning themselves on their yachts in Antigua, which they bought by selling your body and you will find yourself very alone.

None of the men oggling you give a sh– about you either, do not be fooled. Many’s the woman mistook lust for love. If they want you sexually that doesn’t mean they give a f— about you. All the more true when you unwittingly give the impression you don’t give much of a f— about yourself. And when you employ people who give the impression they don’t give much of a f— about you either. No one who cares about you could support your being pimped.. and that includes you yourself.

Yes, I’m suggesting you don’t care for yourself. That has to change. You ought be protected as a precious young lady by anyone in your employ and anyone around you, including you. This is a dangerous world. We don’t encourage our daughters to walk around naked in it because it makes them prey for animals and less than animals, a distressing majority of whom work in the music industry and its associated media.

You are worth more than your body or your sexual appeal. The world of showbiz doesn’t see things that way, they like things to be seen the other way, whether they are magazines who want you on their cover, or whatever.. Don’t be under any illusions.. ALL of them want you because they’re making money off your youth and your beauty.. which they could not do except for the fact your youth makes you blind to the evils of show business. If you have an innocent heart you can’t recognise those who do not.

I repeat, you have enough talent that you don’t need to let the music business make a prostitute of you. You shouldn’t let them make a fool of you either. Don’t think for a moment that any of them give a flying f— about you. They’re there for the money.. we’re there for the music. It has always been that way and it will always be that way. The sooner a young lady gets to know that, the sooner she can be REALLY in control.

You also said in Rolling Stone that your look is based on mine. The look I chose, I chose on purpose at a time when my record company were encouraging me to do what you have done. I felt I would rather be judged on my talent and not my looks. I am happy that I made that choice, not least because I do not find myself on the proverbial rag heap now that I am almost 47 yrs of age.. which unfortunately many female artists who have based their image around their sexuality, end up on when they reach middle age.

Real empowerment of yourself as a woman would be to in future refuse to exploit your body or your sexuality in order for men to make money from you. I needn’t even ask the question.. I’ve been in the business long enough to know that men are making more money than you are from you getting naked. It’s really not at all cool. And it’s sending dangerous signals to other young women. Please in future say no when you are asked to prostitute yourself. Your body is for you and your boyfriend. It isn’t for every spunk-spewing dirtbag on the net, or every greedy record company executive to buy his mistresses diamonds with.

As for the shedding of the Hannah Montana image.. whoever is telling you getting naked is the way to do that does absolutely NOT respect your talent, or you as a young lady. Your records are good enough for you not to need any shedding of Hannah Montana. She’s waaaaaaay gone by now.. Not because you got naked but because you make great records.

Whether we like it or not, us females in the industry are role models and as such we have to be extremely careful what messages we send to other women. The message you keep sending is that it’s somehow cool to be prostituted.. it’s so not cool Miley.. it’s dangerous. Women are to be valued for so much more than their sexuality. we aren’t merely objects of desire. I would be encouraging you to send healthier messages to your peers.. that they and you are worth more than what is currently going on in your career. Kindly fire any motherf—er who hasn’t expressed alarm, because they don’t care about you.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

R.A.m. welcomes the GG Cut-n-Edge Cartoon Series to the Family

Responsible ARTistry Magazine is pleased to announce the on-going cartoon series of GG by Ron Bryant Creator of Cut-n-Edge Cartoons to our future issues. They are amazing Cartoons from a unique perspective. Check out the latest political & social cartoons @ #ResponsibleARTistry

Friday, July 19, 2013

Romany Malco Pens ‘Message to Trayvon Sympathizers’

*Romany Malco, who reprises his role as Zeke in the recently wrapped “Think Like a Man, Too,” weighed into the Trayvon Martin topic from a different angle.
In a blog on The Huffington Post, the actor pointed out the role of mainstream news, pop culture and economics in this story steamrolling over more prevalent black on black shooting crimes that are largely uncovered by the press.
He wrote:
I haven’t touched on the Trayvon Martin issue because race matters in this country are the paralysis of the American people. To constructively discuss Trayvon would require empathy, introspection and an understanding of America’s social and economic history. This is why the open forums we have seen thus far seem to fuel more ignorance and bias than reasonable debate.
To be brutally honest, the only reason people are even aware of Trayvon Martin is because it became a topic within mainstream news and pop culture. Meaning: News directors saw it as a profitable, sensational story. Hundreds of blacks die annually in South Side Chicago without even a blurb. Trayvon isn’t in the mainstream news for any reason other than ratings and profit. The news coverage on the Zimmerman case almost implies that the killing of this young black man is somehow an anomaly and I resent that.
In this country, if it isn’t streamlined through mainstream media and pop culture, it doesn’t seem to warrant national debate. Our “government” continues to wreak havoc on our civil liberties and there is little to no protest from the black community because of media diversion tactics that keep such pertinent issues out of mainstream media. But if Jay-Z or Rihanna were to make mention of it, we’d suddenly be jolted out of our sugar comas and protesting on freeways.
My point being, people are up in arms about Trayvon based on regurgitated pundits and manipulated facts aired to elicit emotion while fueling America’s anger and division. That’s how you boost ratings. No different from Piers Morgan’s desperate rant over gun control when he knew his ratings were in the dumps. And from where I stand, anyone who still relies on corporate-owned media pundits to support an argument isn’t equipped to offer worthwhile solutions.
People are using Trayvon Martin’s death as an excuse to project their own deep-seated issues with racism and will not be capable of intelligent, empathetic debate until they’ve cooled down and afforded themselves an education.
Addressing Trayvon without first addressing the absence of critical thinking in our schools, the lack of introspection, the reasons for our low tolerance and our country’s skewed value system does nothing more than create a sounding board for the ignorant. So rather than facilitate more racism outcry, I’d like to address young black people specifically.
I believe we lost that trial for Trayvon long before he was killed. Trayvon was doomed the moment ignorance became synonymous with young black America . We lost that case by using media outlets (music, movies, social media, etc.) as vehicles to perpetuate the same negative images and social issues that destroyed the black community in the first place. When we went on record glorifying violent crime and when we voted for a president we never thought to hold accountable. When we signed on to do reality shows that fed into the media’s stereotypes of black men, we ingrained an image of Trayvon Martin so overwhelming that who he actually may have been didn’t matter anymore.
Don’t you find it peculiar that the same media outlets who have worked so diligently to galvanize the negative stigmas of black men in America are now airing open debates on improving the image of black males in American media? Do you honestly think CNN is using their competitive time slots for philanthropy?
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” – Rahm Emanuel
If we really wanted to ensure Trayvon Martin’s killing was not in vain, we’d stop perpetuating negative images that are now synonymous with black men in America. We’d stop rapping about selling drugs and killing niggas. The next time we saw a man beating a woman, we’d call for help or break it up, but one thing we would not do is stand by with our cellphones out — yelling WORLDSTAR! Instead of rewarding kids for memorization, we’d reward them for independent and critical thinking.
We’d spend less time subconsciously repeating lyrics about death and murder and more time understanding why we are so willing to twerk to songs that bemean women and boast of having things we cannot afford. We’d set examples of self-love for our youth by honoring our own hair, skin and eye color. We’d stop spending money on designer gear that we should be spending on our physical and psychological health. We’d seek information outside the corporate owned-media that manipulates us. We’d stop letting television babysit our kids and we’d quit regurgitating pundits we haven’t come up with on our own.
Education, introspection, self-love and excellence are the only ways to overcome the wrath of ignorance. So before going back to popping molly and getting Turnt Up, I urge you to consider the implications of your actions. Your child’s life may depend on it.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Share Your Experience With Us......

Have you fallen in love with the power of possibility and changed something in your life by asking  ”What If”? We’d love for you to share your experience below.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Are you On Our R.A.dar

What is Responsible ARTistry?
It is Using Our INfluence as an ARTist to Enhance & Save Lives. 
If you or anyone you know should be featured on our R.A.dar 
please respond by sending all info to 
to view our latest issue of Responsible ARTistry Magazine

Monday, July 1, 2013

Our 2nd Issue now LIVE f/ Grammy Nominated ARTist Carolyn Malachi

Please check out the 2nd Issue for Responsible ARTistry Magazine
Now LIVE at 
featuring Interview with our 
Cover ARTist 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

New Website for Responsible ARTistry Magazine

Exciting News:::::::::
We have Launched a Brand New Website
for (R.A.m.) Responsible ARTistry Magazine.

The Responsible ARTistry Magazine is a bi-monthly digital interactive magazine committed to inspire, uplift, encourage, entertain and empower internationally. Our mission is to spotlight artistic individuals and organizations that use their talents, crafts and influence to better our communities which in turn inspires our world. Every issue published will celebrate the art, acts, gestures and accomplishments of creative souls from around the globe, honoring old and new traditions and spotlighting ways to enhance the reader's everyday life organically and finding new ways to be more eco-friendly.

The information that we publish will help to enhance and empower our R.A.m. readers, therefore enriching their lives and benefiting the communities in which they live. We believe in Giving the Gift of ARTistic Knowledge! We are here to bring you those artistic jewels organically, that are sure to bring you and your family much joy and empowerment. Be Responsibly ARTistic and Share this publication with your network.

To Visit Responsible ARTistry Magazine Website 
please click on photo below. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

In Remembrance Of A Musical Icon: Ben Tucker

Photo Credit SCAD/Courtesy of Savannah Music Festival 

We jazz fans tend to filter through a lot of names. For every Sonny Rollins or Wes Montgomery on the cover of an album, there might be two, three, four, five, eight, 14 more musicians backing him or her. Slowly, we begin to string together the works of these sidemen, too: what they're capable of, with whom they recorded, in what circles they appeared to run. Somewhere, we know this isn't the complete story, but sometimes, it's all we have to start thinking of one.
To evaluate the late bassist Ben Tucker on that criterion would reveal some impressive credits. He played bass in Billy Taylor's trio for years. He's on records by Art Pepper and Warne Marsh made in Southern California. He's on dates led by Gerry Mulligan, Grant Green and Quincy Jones made in New York City. The recording log alone reveals every indication of a first-rate player during a fertile period in music.
Look a little further on the credits and you'll see he was a composer, as well. His blues "Comin' Home Baby" was recorded by a jazz group led by drummer Dave Bailey in October 1961; the next month, Tucker was again present when flutist Herbie Mann recorded it live in concert. Mann's version became a hit, but not the Top 40 success that reluctant vocalist Mel Tormé enjoyed when Tucker worked with Bob Dorough to create a lyric for the tune. Among the hundreds of Tucker's songwriting credits, "Comin' Home Baby" remains his biggest commercial success — it was even recently recorded by Michael Bublé.
But Ben Tucker's legacy stretched far beyond annals and listings of personnel, or even jazz clubs. His impact could be felt deeply in fields like broadcasting, music publishing and Saturday-morning television, and in Savannah, Ga., where he lived for his final decades.
Ben Tucker was driving a golf cart when he was struck by an out-of-town driver on Tuesday. He was 82.
Born in 1930, Tucker and his twin brother grew up in Nashville, Tenn., where he taught himself the upright bass and tuba. After attending college and serving four years in the Air Force, he took to the Los Angeles area, and then New York City, where he found his way into the jazz community.
But Tucker didn't just play bass. He and Bob Dorough formed a production company to make television commercials. In the early 1970s, an advertising executive whose son was having trouble learning arithmetic asked Tucker and Dorough to set multiplication tables to music. The result was the pilot episode of what would later become Schoolhouse Rock!, the three-minute animated interstitials between educational and kids programming.
Tucker also learned the publishing business. Not long after meeting the singer-songwriter Bobby Hebb, Tucker helped him record the song "Sunny," which became a hit. Royalties from "Sunny" allowed Tucker to pursue future business opportunities.
Like his colleague Billy Taylor, Tucker took an interest in broadcasting. In 1972, Tucker moved to Savannah, Ga. and bought the AM radio station WSOK. As one of a small handful of black radio-station owners in the country, he transformed the station into the top AM station in its market, and gave voice to the city's African-American population. The future mayor of Savannah, Otis Johnson, hosted a program. "I was the voice of the black community," Tucker told the Savannah Morning News in 2006. He later started the FM station WLVH.
But, also like Taylor, Tucker never stopped performing. Among other jazz societies and initiatives to which he contributed, in 1989 Tucker also opened a jazz club in Savannah called Hard-Hearted Hannah's, and played in the house band six nights a week. He was a regular at the Westin hotel in town, where he played the Sunday jazz brunch and played the golf course onsite frequently. He became an icon in the city's music community. 
I actually met Ben Tucker a few times and even sang in his place Hard Hearted Hannah's so it is with deep sadness that I am even posting this ARTicle. We at Responsible ARTistry Magazine send our Love & Light to Ben Tucker and his family. -Mahoganee Editor-In-Chief of Responsible ARTistry Magazine 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's Official | Our First Issue of Responsible ARTistry Magazine is DONE....

It's been a journey and we made it to the other side and we are looking forward to sharing inspirational and life changing information with you. If you look up you will see our first issue. Please share and enjoy!!!! Our magazine is interactive so you may click on the videos to watch and photos will take you to the selected pages website. They are highlighted when you point your mouse over them. 
Our first cover feature is Tasha LaRae, Lead Vocalist of Arrested Development. She was a delight to interview and share time with.  Click on photo to Read our 1st Issue. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Responsible ARTistry Magazine Ist Official Issue goes live 5.1.13

Hear Ye Hear Ye... Kings & Queens of The World. Issue #1 of 
Responsible ARTistry Magazine is set to go live 5.1.2013 

Reserve your Ad Space contact us now at
Subject Line: Ad Space May Issue 2013
Become a Contributing Writer 
contact us now at
Subject Line: Contributing Writer

Click on picture to tell us How YOU Live Your Best Life
or send us a tweet @ResponsibleART 
or Google+ +Responsible ARTistry 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Behind The Scenes with Natural Girls Rock

Simply put they do and we had the pleasure of getting behind 
the scenes for their 2013 Natural Girls Rock Photo Shoot 
for the inducting of the new NGR Ambassadors.
It was fun, empowering, energetic, enlightening and 
downright naturally rockin.

There are more pictures on our facebook page for you to enjoy.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring 2013 "It's My Life" Film Festival for Youth

Student Career Alternatives Program (SCAP) is hosting it's third annual It's My Life contest. This year we are sponsoring a Youth Made Film Festival encouraging metro Atlanta youth to create short, theme centric films. (Ages 12-19)

The film genres can span the whole spectrum from animations, documentary, music video, narrative to spoof. The themes chosen will hopefully encourage thought in those areas and broaden students outlooks as they prepare for the next step in their lives.

All entries will be screened at the Plaza Theatre April 30, 2013! Prizes will be awarded to every theme and a cash grand prize!

Interested in volunteering? They could use your help!

Additionally we need folks with video/editing/storytelling experience to work with youth in a workshop or classroom setting. Filmmaking can be overwhelming and we wish to encourage students to work within their means and utilize the tools available to them.

Sound up your alley?
Contact (Victoria) :

Thursday, March 7, 2013

HAngin Out With Tasha LaRae of Arrested Development

Today at the Whole Foods on Ponce De Leon
was an amazing day as we hung out with 
Tasha LaRae Lead Female Vocalist of "Arrested Development" & 
Owner of Earjeans Jewelry for The "Responsible ARTistry "Coffee Break Series Interview 
The Cafe in Whole Foods was the perfect organic setting for one of our favorite ARTists.
Tasha LaRae embodies what Responsible ARTistry is truly about with her refreshing outlook
and mindset, organic jewelry and being apart of such a Revolutionary ORGanic Group 
such as ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. Speaking on her being Classically trained certainly started
the conversation off on a fantastic note......
Tasha LaRae & Mahoganee 

Tasha LaRae & CheefahDray 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Our SC SHEro Candice Glover

Congratulations to our SHEro @CandiceAI12 
for Spreading Her Wings and inspiring us all.
Follow Candi on fb 
American Idol Season 12 Top 20 
Candice is from St. Helena Island, SC

Friday, February 22, 2013

Living Room Acoustics Makes it Debut at Mark SQuared

Last night was absolutely AWEsome. (one of our favorite words)
Living Room Acoustics 
accompanied by 
Michael Tiz Tisdale

was a HIT.. Several requests came about.
We will keep you posted... 
Click HERE for more PICTURES

Sunday, February 10, 2013

MasterMind NetWorking Event at The House of Peter Maxfield

Black Girls Radio hosted it's first "Mastermind Networking is Power" event with Show You Success Networking diva Taurea "Vision" Taurea Avant. Ms. Avant is a 31 year old powerhouse business woman who runs a million dollar business. She is a graduate of Hampton University and just an amazing woman to know. Special invited guest, Mr. Edward Hartley is a true visionary, mentor and millionaire business man who has been the catalyst for success in over 200 families lives. 

Quote from Ms. Avant "I created the "Mastermind Networking is Power" events model to give business professionals, like myself, the opportunity to eat, drink and share their passion for business with other like minds in a unassuming creative, laid back and cool space". 

The event welcomes the possibility of building, learning and sharing various business agendas but also recognizes the true power in networking is NOT showing up with what you can "get" from a networking event, but what you can "give". 

What do you "truly" have to give a person to enhance their business agenda? I ask that all of the 'mastermind' attendees come with the thought of "giving" rather than 'receiving'. That is the true power in success networking.

Here are a few pictures from the event: To See More pics on our FB Page click HERE 

Responsible ARTistry Executive Director & Music Producer Cheefah Dray & Millionaire Visionary Edward Hartley

Responsible ARTistry Creative Editorial Director & Founder & Host of Black Girls Radio Stacii Jae Johnson

Singer Angel Knight & Stacii Jae Johnson 
Political & Entertainment Influencer, Creator & Host of Black Girls Radio, WAEC 860 AM, ATL
Venue: Trendy Posh Buckhead, ATL Boutique "The House of Peter MaxField"

Are YOU a RAW ARTist?

We at Responsible ARTistry consider ourselves RAWketeers

What is RAW?
RAW:natural born artists is an independent arts organization, for artists, by artists.

A community made up of creative individuals across the nation.

Mission: to provide independent artists within the first 10 years of their career with the tools, resources and exposure needed to inspire and cultivate creativity.

Welcome all genres of art including independent film, fashion, music, visual art, performing art, hairstylists, makeup artists and more.

Encourage the creative success of the many visionaries and storytellers of our generation.

RAW currently operates in 54 cities across the United States & Australia and counting ...

For More Info Visit

Submit your work today!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This Girl Is Really On Fire: Alicia Keys Named Blackberry Global Creative Director

After celebrating her birthday recently, Alicia Keys has another cause to be excited over. She has been announced as the Global Creative Director for Blackberry.
The phone company is preparing to launch its long-awaited Blackberry 10 model and have chosen Alicia Keys to lead the way. According to Mashable, Alicia, who appeared at the Blackberry 10 launch event, will be working closely with Blackberry.
“I’m fascinated by technology. I’ve always wanted to work directly with a technology company,” said Keys. “I wanted to do something where I could grow professionally and personally.”
Keys says she is going to be working directly with developers and carriers on the platform, as well as with other artists. Previously a BlackBerry user, she spoke on stage about experimenting with other smartphone platforms over the past few years — she talked about being an ‘iPhone Junkie’ on Google+ just over a year ago — but now that BlackBerry has been “working out” she’s excited to get back together.
“Now were exclusively dating again, and I’m very happy,” she said.
Congratulations to her on the big move.
She will be performing the national anthem at Super Bowl XLVII this Sunday, where she says she plans to bring her brand new BlackBerry 10 device.

Info Courtesy of | 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Have a Home Office? Read This...

Helping Small Business Owners and Home-Based Employees 
Claim the Home Office Tax Deduction
In a joint effort between Responsible ARTistry and the SBA - we are happy to help bring you information on legislation that you need to know about as a home based business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur. Note: This post is jointly authored by Treasury Deputy Secretary Neal S. Wolin and SBA Administrator Karen G. Mills. It was originally posted on Treasury's blog.

Today, many taxpayers who qualify for the home office tax deduction are not claiming it. The reasons often cited are that businesses and filers do not fully understand the provisions or find it too complicated to calculate the amount.

That is about to change.

As part of ongoing efforts by the Administration to reduce paperwork burdens, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced today that it is providing a new, simpler option for calculating the home office tax deduction, allowing small business owners and employees who work from home and who maintain a qualifying home office to deduct up to $1,500 per year.

The IRS also expects taxpayers to save more than 1.6 million hours per year in tax preparation time from this simpler calculation method.

The new option allows qualified taxpayers to deduct annually $5 per square foot of home office space on up to 300 square feet, for as much as $1,500 in deductions. To take advantage of the new option, taxpayers will complete a much simpler version of the current 43-line form.

The announcement builds on the President’s commitment to streamline and simplify the tax code for small businesses and to reduce the burden for tax compliance. It is part of broader efforts to make interacting with the federal government easier and more efficient for businesses of all sizes.

These new rules help our tax code better reflect the needs of America’s 21st Century workforce and especially small businesses, which play a vital role in our economy. Today, more than half of all working Americans own or work for a small business. An estimated 52 percent of small businesses are home-based, and many of these small businesses have home office space that would qualify for the deduction. And as technology improves, more businesses – large and small – are going virtual and recruiting employees from across the country, many of whom work from home offices.

Since he took office, President Obama has signed into law 18 tax cuts for small businesses. And the recently signed American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 includes extensions of several additional small business tax incentives designed to spur innovation, support capital investment and make it easier to hire new workers.

Today’s announcement also is part of a broader effort by the President’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) to reduce paperwork burdens for small business owners and individual taxpayers across all government operations. Agencies have posted paperwork burden reduction updates on their OpenGov websites, which also have more information on agencies’ regulatory “lookback” efforts.

The new option for the home office deduction will be available starting with the Tax Year 2013 return, which most taxpayers file early in 2014. In addition, the IRS is accepting comments for improving upon this new option.

Current restrictions on claiming the home office deduction, such as the requirement that a home office be used regularly and exclusively for business and the limit on the amount of the deduction tied to income derived from the particular business, still apply under the new option.Neal S. Wolin is the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Karen G. Mills is the Administrator of the Small Business Administration.